Obama’s IRS quietly released Obamacare “Health Care Tax Tips” on Tuesday. These ‘tips’ include a warning that Americans
must obtain “qualifying” health insurance – as defined by the federal government – or face a “shared responsibility payment” when filing their tax returns in 2015. The term “shared responsibility payment” refers to the Obamacare individual mandate tax, one of at least seven tax hikes in the healthcare law that directly hit families making less than $250,000 per year.In “Four Tax Facts about the Health Care Law for Individuals” the agency writes:
Your 2014 tax return will ask if you had insurance coverage or qualified for an exemption. If not, you may owe a shared responsibility payment when you file in 2015.
In “The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment- An Overview” the agency warns Americans they must prove they were covered each and every month of the year:
For any month in 2014 that you or any of your dependents don’t maintain coverage and don’t qualify for an exemption, you will need to make an individual shared responsibility payment with your 2014 tax return filed in 2015.
Source: Americans for Tax Freedom
Photo: Reason
Just found out this can be appeal if you don’t want to pay it!!
They are making criminals out of the American people and all i can say is they will stand in front of Jesus one day and answer for all they are doing and they will not like the answer that they get from him !!!!
How is this possible if, ObamaCare was not implemented until Oct 2014?
wasn’t a tax when passed. was a tax after Scotus made it so. thought all taxes had to start in the House.
I would like to put a boot up that bastard’s ass you low life SOB!
What part of this (DICK HEAD) is American? Someone please show me? I see a commie and a muslim but no American! I also see liar and a all around pile of $#%&!@* but I cannot even a small amount of America any where in the white house!
shote the sobs all of thme
Go to H**l!
Hey irs slobs. Your gov sponsored health care is now void. Go get you some that Obama care.
It’s time “We The People” pick which laws we will follow as well!