Without a serving warrant or charging anyone with a crime, the IRS is increasingly seizing assets of small business owners simply because they operate in cash.
Under Civil Forfeiture laws, the IRS can simply seize someone entire bank account and never return the money – never having to file charges or justify their actions other than stating that the person didn’t deposit their money ‘correctly’.
The video on the next page details the latest theft by the IRS.
They needed a raise!!
Why does the public stand back and let these things happen, we need to put the I.R.S. out of business, go to a flat tax.
Our Elite Crooked Elected P$#%&!@* All These Laws ..Get Friggan MAD AT THEM …VOTE Them All OUT !!!..Vote All Tea Party , they are the Only Ones Doing and Voting as we asked them ….After last November ….WE ARE TAXED TO DEATH …1776
This government gets more marxist every day.
It is time to go for the radical right. Cut the HELL out of the Government, right down to the bone. The smaller the Government the less they can harm the little man.
The reason for this is pretty easy, they want a run on banks. When people stop using banks, it will hurt the economy.
WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!
This is terrible!! glad I am out of business!!!!!!!!! Cost way to much to take credit cards!!!
Just another reason why the IRS should be disbanded.
That is wrong!