Without a serving warrant or charging anyone with a crime, the IRS is increasingly seizing assets of small business owners simply because they operate in cash.
Under Civil Forfeiture laws, the IRS can simply seize someone entire bank account and never return the money – never having to file charges or justify their actions other than stating that the person didn’t deposit their money ‘correctly’.
The video on the next page details the latest theft by the IRS.
What??? this is socialism,They are taking our Country from us
The iRS needs to go. Flat taxes!!!!
OPERATING IN CASH means that our corrupt government cannot trace the money to learn how it may be used. It is all about CONTROL!!
How can we as AMERICANS let this happen they charge fees which is ILLEGAL. They give our AMERICAN dollars to terrorists rather than reinvesting in AMERICA
This is wrong, counter sue
IRS needs to b abolished and fair tax set-up, they got away with fixing elections and were rewarded by osumbdoncare benefits, trillions!
He went from the small Banks, to the Car Dealerships and now Convient Stores, Your Next!!!
Way to go P.D.
Unfair tax laws are what we have. IRS is a joke!