The Treasury Inspector General has revealed around 2,500 documents that very likely show taxpayer information that was given to the White House by the IRS.
The documents come from a suit filed by the legal advocacy firm Cause of Action against the Treasury Department’s inspector general.
Article 2, Nixon impeachment, ” use of private personal tax records of political enemies for the purpose of punishment against them”…..
Impeach the idiot in chief now!
Which WOULD be a violation of the law IF it weren’t the Obama Administration.
May God continue to bless Obama because he love poor
I will be SO glad when I don’t have to see this worthless bastards face again ! He’s the worst son of a bitch that ever walked the Earth !!
No, may G******n this worthless tyrant !
This was a crime by white house on Obama’s orders. Impeach.
Ameica`s first dictator, and perhaps it`s last president. Scary as hell.
Not a smidgen of corruption. Lol
Americans,march,boot him out.