The Treasury Inspector General has revealed around 2,500 documents that very likely show taxpayer information that was given to the White House by the IRS.
The documents come from a suit filed by the legal advocacy firm Cause of Action against the Treasury Department’s inspector general.
why they should have charged him
getthim out NOW
Dictator Ovomitt
Let’s just do away with the federales , period ! Let’s do like europe has ,have a confederation of states , all separate entities ,but all working together . Think of the money we’d save .
Save AMERICA, IMPEACH OBAMA! OBAMA must be IMPEACHED, because if he is not then every president that follows him will think that he, like OBAMA, can ignore our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
what a butt hurt he is
Corruption at it’s worse.
dumb and dumber at it’s top
Where is the TRANSPARENCY?
Keep going Mr Obama