The order to remove Old Glory from work trucks or be terminated has created an army of iron-workers and riggers who will not comply. Industrial Piping Incorporated is a subcontractor for a plant expansion at CF Industries fertilizer plant in Louisiana. The crew has been working to complete the project since December 7, 2016, rolling onto the job each day with flags waving in the backs of their trucks. They are hard working Americans just doing their jobs.
Nothing had ever been said until that fateful day and then the gloves came off. Lose the flag or lose your job. The crew was furious and refused the order and showed up to work on Friday, flying their flags and prepared to lose their jobs. The crew, Jarome Hatch, Jim Lovel, Trevor Lewis, Robert Griffiths, Cody Johnson and Daryl McEntyre had the support of the community who got involved and planted American Flags in front of the CF Industry offices.
Read the remarks of the men willing to give up their livelihood to stand up for the principles and the country they love on the following page.
This is America we fly the stars and stripes forever. The red, white and blue mean something in this country. If you do not like it deport yourself.
My Son is an Iron Worker to, and I am So Proud of all of them
WTF is wrong with these people and the American Flag? f*ck them…stand up for your rights..
Keep flying our flag! This is America and no Communists should be allowed to tell anyone to take down the American flag.
F**k that never cave in
Hell no
stand up for your rights…fly the OLD GLORY…screw them
The Treasonous Muslim Obama’s sole purpose has always been to weaken and destroy America internally… He is now working on a bigger coalition to continue his Anti-American destruction now that he is out. Obama’s Muslim brotherhood is continuing and has been pouring across the border for the last 8 years and now hundreds of thousands shipped here as refugees to wreak havoc on America. Fits Right into Obama’s Plan…Obama’s has infiltrated his puppets into the FBI, DOJ and the IRS!!! Which are now lawless criminal government entities. He has tarnished America with his Muslim Brotherhood and continuous attempts to disarm True American Citizens and neutralize the American police. Emboldment of every criminal and Anti-American element on the planet. America is in peril and being attacked by Liberals, progressives and Islamist snakes internally. Hillary Clinton was the Continuation of Obama’s systematic destruction of America. Eventually Liberalism, Progressivism and Islam will be BANNED IN ALL Westernized countries!
Fight back or be devoured!
When you can’t fly the American flag in America, you know we have a problem !!!!!!!!!!