There have been numbers conspiracies regarding the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, but nearly all of them hinge on the oft-touted fact that the temperature at which jet fuel burns is significantly lower than the temperature at which steel melts.
Well, an iron worker on YouTube is causing quite a stir among people who believe that the towers were not, in fact, brought down by the jets flown into them.
In the video, the man attempts to debunk the theory that structural steel would remain strong at the temperature at which jet fuel burns by heating a peace of structural metal to that very temperature and bending it easily.
Move on to page 2 for the video:
I will explain that for you right now…. The curtain wall (the steel structure that holds the glass) of the building was a structural part of the building, it needs to be there to hold the building up. Notice the huge holes the planes made going in. That is a whole length of structural support gone. Now add fire. Structural members heat up and begin to sag. They sag to the point where one joint finally gives way. Now that dead load (the weight) of that floor, is dropped to the floor below it. The floor below was never meant to hold the dead load weight of the floor above. Add to the dead load, is the fact that it is falling, making it a live load (the weight felt by the floor below is magnified by the act of falling).. you ever seen a house of cards go down?? Yeah it’s like that, and picks up speed as the first floor collapses onto the second, causing the second floor to fail, and now you have the first and second floors falling on the third floor. Now it the second floor could not hold the first, can the third floor handle the first and the second?? NO. That is the nature of the collapse kids.. Watch the History Channel documentaries on the subject if you have any more questions.
First skyscrapers in history to be hit at 350 mph by a 757
So everyone is still beating this dead horse when there are far more pressing issues to be concerned with?
Still wouldn’t free fall…janga doesn’t even free fall
What part of NO building free falls unless it is demolishioned
This seems staged and not a real iron worker at all. He puts an apron and gloves on to make a video? He already has the apron and gloves on when he decides to make a video in his “busy day”? Where was he going? I don’t buy the whole circumstance.
Why don’t you do a experiment to prove him wrong.
Why don’t any of you do your own experiment to prove it wrong since your all so much smarter than this dump redneck .
what he is saying to all you NON metal workers out there is that you do not need to melt steel for it to lose its structural integrity! That is ALL!
You call this an experiment? No data, conditions completely wrong. Comparing a structurally engineered high rise tower to a heated piece of steel? Cmon man…..I have no doubt the 911 engineers group will do that very thing because this absurd