There have been numbers conspiracies regarding the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, but nearly all of them hinge on the oft-touted fact that the temperature at which jet fuel burns is significantly lower than the temperature at which steel melts.
Well, an iron worker on YouTube is causing quite a stir among people who believe that the towers were not, in fact, brought down by the jets flown into them.
In the video, the man attempts to debunk the theory that structural steel would remain strong at the temperature at which jet fuel burns by heating a peace of structural metal to that very temperature and bending it easily.
Move on to page 2 for the video:
If it were only that simple. Multiple accounts of molten steel underneath the rubble of wtc 1,2 and 7. This doesn’t even begin to explain building 7. It really doesn’t explain anything about the pulverization of the towers.
Larry the cable guy meets fire. Nothing personal Larry!
Propaganda I wonder how much they paid him.
I am not taking sides but this guy is an UN scientific jerk.
Watch 9/11 in the Academic Community. It’s a very informative documentary.
Oh look out its Moron Alert.
He also doesn’t address all the other building fires since 9-11 that had a similar structural design that burned hotter and longer but did not collapse. What a joke!
you an ID10T stick to fishing n drinkn koolaid
Check the transcripts of the firefighters . ( yes ,all that info is available )more than one said a big chunk was missing out of building 7 and it was leaning , that’s why they pulled everyone out