As migrants continue to flood into Germany by the busload, German citizens have finally decided that they’ve had enough. The clip on the next page depicts police officers pushing back a line of people who are preventing the busses from entering the town.
When the officers start threatening to use force, the protestors tell them to go ahead. This is only one of many protests that have occurred in Germany in the past few weeks.
See the video on the next page.
Kill the invders
Imagine Friday prayers in a Mosque where the Imam tells his flock that it is their duty to colonize the West in a grand Jihad. Then, he goes on to tell them that the infidels will give them housing, money, and medical care for life. Most Muslims immigrants are subsisting off the welfare states. There are many forms of Jihad. One form is like Isis, which is the form of Jihad that we will all experience one day thanks to our treasonous progressive politicians. Another form of Jihad is what we see in the colonization of our lands. The only solution is to find that the Koran violates humanity.
For example, in the United States the people are guaranteed free practice of religion under our First Amendment. But, the First Amendment does not give legal protection to all religions. Religions that practice human sacrifice are illegal for obvious reasons. Also, religions that practice virgin sacrifice, and polygamy are illegal. No one would expect these religions to be free to practice simply because they are a religion. Moreover, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the world body’s lawful document that protects us from religions that violate human rights. So, why is Islam given legal protection to practice its religion?
Islam advocates the murder of Jews, Christians, and polytheist. It commands Muslims to spread the doctrine of Islam around the world until there are no longer any disbelievers. In practice, Islam calls for the murder of all human beings that disagree with its laws! Within Islam we find that believers may have slaves, rape children, and sacrifice their daughters who caused the family unit to lose face.
In summary, Islam is no different than outlawed religions because it violates human rights. Islam is a warrior cult with a deviant sexual practice built in to its doctrine. Nations of the world must rise up and declare Islam unlawful to be practiced. Mosques must be destroyed, Koran’s destroyed, and those who resist terminated. Western culture is at war, and we must start to fight back if we are to survive the coming slaughter COPY AND PASTE ! SHARE
Burn the bus
Like obama their fools to take people in ,not knowing anything about them sorry but we have to be smart ,it’s all crazy just Cain trust nobody.
No one can stop this until the Govt.will not take care of their own citizens.
Two of a kind : Merkel the jerkel and Obama Usama.
Take notes America….
Merkel is doing everything she can to get the muslims spread all over europe and has the police going against the germany’s tax paying citizens! They are reports of TB, STDS, whooping cough, AIDS and the hospitals and clinics can’t take care of them and don’t have the resources. But Chancellor Merkel demands that the United Nations plan to spread islamic terrorist all over Europe continues.