President Obama is calling for greater and greater numbers of Syrian migrants to be granted entrance and asylum into the U.S., in spite of the fear that the flood of people coming in will also harbor Islamic terrorists pretending to be ordinary Syrians seeking a safety.
The American people are now demanding a halt to the immigration program, and the House of Representatives just voted for a bill that would make coming into the U.S. more difficult for the Syrian people, but Obama has declared his determination to actually increase the number of immigrants he will allow in from Syria.
One could make the case that Obama is simply a compassionate leader providing safety for those desperately in need. But the facts seem to be the complete opposite when one looks at just who Obama wants to allow in.
See Obama’s Choice for Immigrants, page 2
But Obama is Bringing in terrorists and nobody stops him ? How more obvious can it be ?
Barrack the terrorist obama satin himself. He is as evil as hillary. Both should be hung for their crimes against America and her people.
The Muslim in the Whitehouse
Another nail in your coffin and another reason your going to hell!!
Imagine that…….
Obama you are b******t
I wonder why?
** Taking Back The U.S.A.
*** Remember, Obama , Biden , Clinton and Eric Holder are not alone.
They are part of a large team working to destroy our Republic.
*** Obama has a BOSS.
George Soros is his BOSS.
His agenda is to KILL the U.S.A.
Then he can help the “One World Order” take over what is left.
It will be like a “Russia # 2”.
Flooding the U.S.A. with ILLEGAL people is just ONE of many ways to KILL the U.S.A.
Allowing ILLEGALS a drivers license and then to VOTE.
Filling key positions in our government with Marxist people is another way.
Getting rid of military leaders that don’t agree , is another way.
Promoting gay marriage to destroy the normal family life , is another way to destroy the U.S.A.
Government spending to put us in such debt that we can never pay back is another way to kill the U.S.A. $ 19,400,000,000,000.00 That’s over $ 19 TRILLION DOLLARS.
Letting something like Ebola take hold in the U.S.A. so he can declare “Martial Law ” and stop the elections.
Letting Iran’s illegal nuclear program until they have a bomb.
All these things and more things , are just a way to KILL the U.S.A. and make it easier to have the “One World Order”
take over.
Your children and grand children will NEVER know “FREEDOM” as we have known.
Get this traitor out of office.