The 1,400 year old war between Christianity and Islam is once again heating up in the Middle East as exemplified by the recent establishment of a Christian militia of hundreds of soldiers currently training at a former U.S. military facility in northeast Iraq.
The primary goal of these Christian soldiers is to reclaim territory lost to ISIS last year. History is repeating itself…
obummer will find some way to bad mouth them too.
It sure looks like we are in it for the long run.
To little to late
I would say the Christian world needs to do something about it.
Drop a bomb on mecca and don’t stop there !!!!
very good
i would like to join u guys, i love it, stand up for american rights.
Revolution is the only remedy for tyranny. Those people who were pizzed at George, evolved into the Pilgrims and later spurred the revolution that made Paul Revere famous. Had it not been for the Revolutionary War. KING Georges intention was to keep the citizens of England sub-servant . Kings and dictators are first cousins. If anyone has deduced that I advocated beheading in my post, I refuse to apologize for any WANDERING that resulted in my post.
Bet Obama calls them crusaders