The 1,400 year old war between Christianity and Islam is once again heating up in the Middle East as exemplified by the recent establishment of a Christian militia of hundreds of soldiers currently training at a former U.S. military facility in northeast Iraq.
The primary goal of these Christian soldiers is to reclaim territory lost to ISIS last year. History is repeating itself…
God bless and protect them !
Dear God, in Jesus’ name, please protect them all.
Well, basing on numerous versions of the Bible, there’s never a teaching there to behead. God’s simple instructions are summarized in the 10 Commandments, so, I wouldn’t malign king George if that was his intention. For the heavier tax, I am not rejoicing in it; however, it would have been had the other alternative was beheading for any inconceivable false doctrine.
Bloody well about time. And, the Crusades this time will do more than just set the muslims back. There will be other helpers as well—–
No getting closer to Armageddon
O’Reilly had the right idea…a multi-national mercinary force of ex-military from around the world, paid for by the nations of the world, to combat ISIS and their brand of barbarism…would work for me.
I think yes, and to fight these Muslims you’re going to have to kill them in mass numbers to get them to stop. I don’t think they understand peace
Really makes you think of End of days
These Christians are doing what we should be doing. Wake up church.
Dont believe a word,,they are Muslims in disguise like the ones thay were to protect in bengasi..