The 1,400 year old war between Christianity and Islam is once again heating up in the Middle East as exemplified by the recent establishment of a Christian militia of hundreds of soldiers currently training at a former U.S. military facility in northeast Iraq.
The primary goal of these Christian soldiers is to reclaim territory lost to ISIS last year. History is repeating itself…
Will be praying for them.
Fanaticism is wrong in any era
Back in the 1700’s a bunch of immigrants got pizzed off that King George decreed that the Church of England would be the only acceptable religion in England, in addition to the fact that the King was levying a heavier tax and the people were NOT getting their taxes(money’s) worth. Now that was a fine revolution yall.
Good, better to fight the evil ISIS than get beheaded without a fight.
God be with those boys
You fight to survive. That’s what will happen here
About time. They can be strong, fast, smart, have the best weapons, but with out good leadership they are sure to failure .
About time they learn to take care of themselves
It’s either that, or wait there to be beheaded, or burnt, or buried alive by those Muzzie Devil Worshippers
The real God Jesus Christ will stand with them