The 1,400 year old war between Christianity and Islam is once again heating up in the Middle East as exemplified by the recent establishment of a Christian militia of hundreds of soldiers currently training at a former U.S. military facility in northeast Iraq.
The primary goal of these Christian soldiers is to reclaim territory lost to ISIS last year. History is repeating itself…
They removing sin off the footstool but those calling themselves Muslims & Christians want idols back. They are both Babylonians lying. True Islam is better. No idols b4 God Almighty.
Dead bones walking.
None in idolotry shall own the land. They shall die in sin. Let their Pope or their stone in bricks raise them from the dead. ISIS is the better of all the armies as yet working for Gods Word I’ve seen. No idols means no idols. You Christians stand for idolotry & shall be a laughing stalk … Your preachers 2 if they don’t break from the Pope.
10 commandments only & the Pope can’t hold to no idols but they sell them. Jesus kicked those selling doves out the church. Theirs your parable. Molesters & idolitors & liars.
Am i hearing this right,you are for isis?
Isis is for the 10 commandments & so am I. We do our commandments & live by them. Idols are idols. We look up to heaven & speak to The Heavenly Father. These look to Pope Peter & an idol stone at Mecca.
The Pope has placed the mark of the beast on your foreheads who was John Baptist who was Cain. Able the shephard you all call jesus Christ. But he told you all he came in the name of The Father. Not his own name. Paul you also call Saul is Seth. Joseph & Mary were Adam & Eve.
As John told the Pharasees when they would not take the baptism.. Ooh generation of vipers who has warned you to flee from the Wrath” & Now IT is come.
It & thou shall kill each other as the Lord God told them to start. These have eaten the tree & have not received the tree of life. Though they have it.
A hex they take willingly in sorcery by those who killed John & took his head. Therefore do their heads come off. 7 forms of judgement on the 7 generation sabbathers for a 7 fold curse for killing John who was Cain. Who is Jahadi John to you all. Wake up. These children live & return.