The 1,400 year old war between Christianity and Islam is once again heating up in the Middle East as exemplified by the recent establishment of a Christian militia of hundreds of soldiers currently training at a former U.S. military facility in northeast Iraq.
The primary goal of these Christian soldiers is to reclaim territory lost to ISIS last year. History is repeating itself…
may god go with them
At this point the US should do EVERYTHING we can to support the Christian Milita fighting ISIS. Obama will never ever support a Christian anything as we just heard from his last poisonous speach.
what the hell is this something new?where have i been never heard of a holly war before.
onward christian soldiers.
not all arabs are muslim,the 3 wisemen were arabs who came from present day iraq.
intresting thought ,not all arabs are muslim,the 3 wise men came from present day iraq, moses married a daughter of jethro,a bendouin arab,the arabs are the children of abraham and haar.santa claus was born in present day turkey.but there are the good muslims,anwar sadat and king hussain of jordan,after the events we seen,mainstream muslims are just as much a victim as the rest of us,so the radicals must be classified as izlamo-nazis.
CHRIST will be with you
As I walk through the valley of death I shall fear no evil, because the Lord thy God is with me.
Crusades II