Despite Obama’s disastrous nuclear agreement with Iran this past summer, the Iranians still take the time to carefully craft a mock coffin for Obama to drag through the streets. Today marked the 36th anniversary of the storming of the US embassy in Tehran which resulted in a dramatic hostage situation which resolved with a daring escape out of Iran.
Despite Obama’s overtures of friendship and trust through granting the Iranians a nuke, it appears they have not accepted him any more than Obama’s constituency. Gee, how ungrateful….
Find out more about the coffin on page 2.
Make it MORE realistic: Put Obammma inside first !!!
The Iranians apparently are not all bad.
Obama……. A living, breathing, walking. Weapon of mass destruction
That’s just wishful thinking.
Ashame he isn’t in it Traitor
OK! Who forgot to put Obama in the coffin. IDIOT!
looks like they LOVE OBOZO, lmao,, they can have him if they want i won’t stop them from getting him………………………
Lol if that isn’t a kick in the nuts .. You bend over like a big$#%&!@*all the while they lie to your face … Laughing…. Then pow right in the sack .. And Onumbnuts thought he was their best friend .
I wish . We couldn’t be so lucky