The Iranian government is parading shocking video of a captured US sailor apologizing for trespassing in Iranian waters, as well as other unsettling images. The video was released on the government-run news outlet Tasnim Wednesday afternoon.
First, why would the sailor apologize? The video itself is rather bizarre. Coersion? The boat simply had some mechanical difficulties, there was no reason to apologize.
Pictures have also been released of the detained sailors, showing one of the female sailors had been forced to wear a hijab during her captivity.
Also, the sailors were forced to kneel before the Iranians in footage that looks like some sort of contrived display.
The sailors have since been released by the Iranian government, but the video and pictures will no doubt perpetuate the loss of face to Obama’s foreign policy foibles as he proves to be a severely weak leader in the eyes of world.
Watch the video on page 2.
You are the Iranian’s$#%&!@* sailor. SHAME ON YOU!
Obama got to him, thru his buddies
You know I couldn’t pass this article wouldn’t noting. ..the media is making a project out of this sailor apologizing for being captured!!! Does anyone with half a brain figured out he would be dead right now if he didn’t say what THEY, wanted him to say…on the other hand, we had a top WH official thank them for releasing them, and the leader of u.s., not even address their capture during his appearance on t.v.,…so that’s all I have to day…I’m thankful they are all alive, and I’m sure it had at to do with their donation of 1.5 B, $$$’s they will be receiving from the u.s.
I agree, this sailor did what he had to do and say, just as the female had a headcovering…when 1 has their hand in the lio s mouth,you ease it out carefully.
What happened to having a real commander in chief?
Set up written all over it
Obama you sorry excuse for a human being, much less the leader of our country! You need to get these sailors released!
I doubt any servicemen from the WWII would have knelt or offered an apology, but that was a different generation. A generation of badasses like no other. This smells like another one of this administration’s weird staged events.
Iranians releases? Really?
American people have turned into a bunch of siseys