The Iranian government is parading shocking video of a captured US sailor apologizing for trespassing in Iranian waters, as well as other unsettling images. The video was released on the government-run news outlet Tasnim Wednesday afternoon.
First, why would the sailor apologize? The video itself is rather bizarre. Coersion? The boat simply had some mechanical difficulties, there was no reason to apologize.
Pictures have also been released of the detained sailors, showing one of the female sailors had been forced to wear a hijab during her captivity.
Also, the sailors were forced to kneel before the Iranians in footage that looks like some sort of contrived display.
The sailors have since been released by the Iranian government, but the video and pictures will no doubt perpetuate the loss of face to Obama’s foreign policy foibles as he proves to be a severely weak leader in the eyes of world.
Watch the video on page 2.
A disgrace to the American military. Who told this sailor to apologize to the Iranians ??
One of the obama fruits!
Obama don’t care, Iran is far more important to him than our own military. What a complete disgrace. Let’s capture some Iranians and show a propaganda picture as well.
Wow! This is who is supposed to protect us? Stay the hell off our guns. We’ll protect ourselves thank you. Wtf?
The video of our Sailors being held by the Iranian Guard is despicable and humiliating. I am curious as to how this happened. As for the boat commander offering an apology, I will reserve my judgment until all the facts are in. We don’t know if he was coerced or under severe duress while the video was rolling. While it is humiliating for him, it may have been the lesser of two evil. I will give him the benefit of doubt until all the info is in. However, as soon as they were safe, I would have pumped a couple of cruise missiles into the Ayatollah’s bedroom window as a reminder to never do that again.
Its their culture! Yes i think something is very off here, multiple engine failure on multiples boats add that to no comms…I think their might have been a lot of loot on those boats.
They had to, or be like other American prisoners there. Obama has really put a nail in our coffin with his deal with the devil.
I think maybe he is the devil.
I think Kerry did,you know the idiot’s in the WH
OK, what happened to “Name, Rank, and Serial Number?”