Even worse, there is reason to believe that the data breach at UC Santa Barbara is far from an isolated incident. In fact, many news outlets are reporting other hacker attacks that can traced back to the Islamic Republic of Iran. This has been going on for some time now, and contrary to Obama wants us to believe, is unlikely to stop after the Iran deal.
“The findings reveal that the Islamic Republic of Iran could potentially have the ability to attack America internally, using the highly-detailed, sensitive information some Iranians have potentially been able to gather on the U.S. power grid as a result of these hacks.
‘If the geopolitical situation changes and Iran wants to target these facilities, if they have this kind of information it will make it a lot easier,’ Robert M. Lee, a former U.S. Air Force cyberwarfare operations officer told the AP. ‘It will also help them stay quiet and stealthy inside.’
TheĀ AP points out that during the Calpine breach, which experts believe began as far back as August of 2013 and could still be going on today, hackers obtained detailed engineering drawings of 71 networks and power stations from New York to California.
Snippets of comments made in the Persian language in the code reportedly helped investigators conclude that Iran was, in fact, the source of the attacks. The information these hackers had acquired contained usernames and passwords that could shut down generating stations and cause a blackout, possibly nationwide.”
Source: Breitbart
If we allow them to enter the country, then why complain?
Proof international citizens are up to no good in U.S. Foreign Citizens from all over the world have hidden agendas and have been plotting! Imagine if they were successful shutting down a State the size of California power grid. This would be a nightmare!!
wow…..Obumfcks buddies again……
Good to know obummer
Supports them. lol.
they need to be gone they are evil people
Remove the power grid system from the internet… go back to dial up and this problem is solved…. peer peer is what’s needed to protect the systems..
That would be like going back to one part of the dark ages and would NEVER work. I hated dial up even when it was the only thing available. I only really liked internet when it was broadband. Not a solution. Problem is if it ever happened that an electric grid was compromised dial up would not work either because the computers they are connected to still need electricity.
What ever…those Democraps don’t care then they can live with the idiots destroying the power and the chaos that ensues. What ever happens will be partly their fault
No surprise!
The Washington idiots sold us out long ago.
So, the question is, why continue to allow the idiots to remain in office?
This has been our Govt plan for a long time
Just another test people…