Will the war of words between the United States and Iran remain just the hurling of threats and insults back and forth, or will the war actually heat up. This could happen through proxies as each side supported different belligerents in a hot war. Or it could be the real thing where the militaries of the US and Iran engaged in actual combat.
There should be no doubt that the US can wipe Iran off the map if it so desired. This might be subjected to doubt given that we have not subdued Iraq, and Iran is a much more powerful military force than Iraq. But that is a faulty comparison. If our desire were to wipe out Iraq, that would have been done a long time ago. Our goals in Iraq are to see a stable nation-state emerge, not to reduce the population of Iraq to zero.
Iran represents a different problem from Iraq as examined on page two.
Abba$#%&!@*……you don’t seem to understand boy…..There are LOADS of veterans who want nothing more, than your ‘sleeper cells’ to jump up. A) Legal hunting season just lasts so long. Now you want a bunch of pansies to jump up, and make their dumb azzes instant targets? Become living video games? [ They’re obviously pansies if they have to hide among civilians. no honor, no pride, cowards ]…..B) The Globalists started the wars/’peace actions’/’affirmative actions’, and by doing so inadvertently created a large body of the American (USA) populace into trained killers….Oh excuse me…..trained defenders of peace….Something the compartmentalized Globalist ‘think tanks’ didn’t take into consideration….Too many veterans also got caught up into the adrenaline rush of taking out a living human target. They still have that ‘craving’, and now you want to ‘feed it’…..No, not stating taking out a living human target for the adrenaline rush, is a good thing…It is a BAD THING when you are desensitized enough that a human life is just a target…Just stating there are those out there that still have this mindset. Couple that with the fact that you Abba$#%&!@* want to harm innocent people, and also possibly these veterans family/relatives/friends; and you truly have no idea of what horror you will have unleashed on your minions….C) These little$#%&!@*pockets you call ‘sleeper cells’ have been sporadically trying it already. Lasts about 10 minutes, and the ‘terrorists’ casualty rate is 100 percent…Hardly effective…Bar fights around here last longer, sheesh!…..From a military standpoint, alone, YOU SUCK! D) Anybody standing safely 1000’s of miles away, and spouting this cr@p, is just bloviating…Just a little pansy shooting their mouth off. If you want an example of a country, and it’s leader kicking azz, and taking names; see President Trump, and how Ice$#%&!@*has been wiped down to a bunch of rag tag idiots, and a few goats……….Threaten the United States of America, indeed…….Iran leader of the goat milkers Abba$#%&!@*- 0….United States of America – 1…….
Well if you fell froggy
These sleeper cells are amongst us in plain sight. Don’t be fooled, looks can be deceiving.
It is already happening. We have sleeper cells amongst us. Muslims are not going to take over through armed warfare. They being doing through civil action. Getting Muslims into political positions. Manipulate our laws to advance their agenda. Impliment religious practices into our public schools. Does this all sound familiar. They are the only culture that western countries have made such great accomadations for. Any other culture had for the most part assimilated. Muslims refuse to because their agenda is to take over western nations and impliment Sharia law. Liberal’s are enabling Muslims to do this and if we don’t put our foot down and say enough is enough, we will fall victim to islam. It’s happening people and it’s time that you wake up before its to late. It’s 2018 and if your congressman is going to take a stand and protect us, you need to vote him out of office.
Do the ragheads realize how many of us there are?
We will be ready to take them out……
You can run but you can’t hide your$#%&!@*ass from our cruise missles
That is an admission of guilt. Find the cells and prosecute the whole lot of them !!!!!!!
Careful sir..
know that.. millions of people here have millions of weapons and I think you will be in for a HUGE surprise… There is always an eye on you!