Will the war of words between the United States and Iran remain just the hurling of threats and insults back and forth, or will the war actually heat up. This could happen through proxies as each side supported different belligerents in a hot war. Or it could be the real thing where the militaries of the US and Iran engaged in actual combat.
There should be no doubt that the US can wipe Iran off the map if it so desired. This might be subjected to doubt given that we have not subdued Iraq, and Iran is a much more powerful military force than Iraq. But that is a faulty comparison. If our desire were to wipe out Iraq, that would have been done a long time ago. Our goals in Iraq are to see a stable nation-state emerge, not to reduce the population of Iraq to zero.
Iran represents a different problem from Iraq as examined on page two.
Ok what more do you “lawmakers” need?
Thanks to that traitor Obama!
And they will die
Just be ready to smash the$#%&!@*out of like a snooze button on a Saturday morning lol
Go ahead,make my day
Is this the Obama,Clinton,Kerry Democrat plan? The invasion of America is being paid for by US tax payers for democrat votes!
800,000 DACA plus all of the Obama,Clinton and Kerry UN refugees and their family’s that are now all being moved around the country so they will outnumber American citizens in voting and will cancel out the electoral college votes will be completed before the next election cycle!
Are American citizens going to allow this to happen?
Kick every single one out of our country asap
And we have thousands of nuclear warheads that can reach your shithole country and blow it back to the dawn of time even though that isn’t too far from where you barbarians are now.
We know
America want you to make your move, so we can wipe you out! We want to put your sleeper cells to sleep permanently!