While the Obama administration prostrates itself before Iran, the Iranians are beside themselves with glee.
Just a couple days shy of the official implementation of President Obama’s “historic” nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Shia cleric Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Alamolhoda had a disturbing message for listeners this past Friday.
Saying that the US has been a “barking dog” for the last 37 years, Alamolhoda celebrated what he described as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ recent victory over the United States. He was referring, of course, to the country’s shocking capture of 10 American sailors in the Persian Gulf last week.
In that alarming affair, the Iranians only released the hostages after the White House lifted sanctions off their country, a devastating setback in the effort to keep them from developing nuclear weapons. Indeed, Iran has come out of the hostage crisis much stronger and much closer to fulfilling it’s nuclear ambitions, just as Ayatollah Alamolhoda boasted.
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People in the great USA have become dumb and blind everyone better wake up
ass kicking coming to you rag heads when trump
takes office we are sending our warriors ” marines” to put a end to all halls s**t
Just only more proof that Obama is a terrorist trying to bring this country to its knees and make the end of America
Hope Trump can get our money back from this one,,what a fucked up deal,,more like we get a big gun and money ,,extortion
What did pussi bush sell them?
truth and (in) action. these guy are not so good at truth. or action.
I’m sure there is dancing at the White House too.
tired of talking do what you want but don’t expect all of us to follow along
give them the nuke straight from belly of b52
OB and the rest of them running are country are stupid.