In spite of the much-vaunted deal with Iran, the theocratic Muslim nation continues to double down on it’s inflammatory rhetoric and actions against the United States.
State-controlled media reported that a high-ranking Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps official issued a truly disturbing warning to the US: if American warships were to even come near the Middle Eastern nation, then Iranian forces would “drown” them, describing their presence as an “absolute evil.”
The official, one Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, went on to claim that America would be ill-advised to draw other nations into the affairs of the region, as it has attempted to do in it’s fight with ISIS and other terrorists. He added that US officials are clueless as to the true capabilities of Iran’s navy, an ominous statement that should make anyone doubt the country’s commitment to peace.
In the wake of Obama advisor Ben Rhodes admitting he misled the media over the nuclear deal, however, is it really surprising that they aren’t interested in harmony?
Turn to the next page for more info:
These are the terms from their Quran to help you understand how they think:
1. Taqiyya
Taqiyya allows Muslims to lie and/or conceal their true faith, feelings, thoughts, plans, and character, for the purpose of protecting themselves. It is fully based on the Koran and is agreed to and practiced by all major sects of Islam.
“When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2 )
2. Tawriya
Tawriya allows Muslims to “creatively lie” by being purposely ambiguous about the real meaning of what they are saying.
3. Kitman
Kitman is a term that means Muslims are permitted to tell half-truths, or partial truths, while concealing the greater whole truth. Discussion of “jihad” as being only an “inner” or “spiritual” struggle is an example of Kitman, as technically it is true that jihad refers to a spiritual struggle, but conceals the very real physical struggle that is also encompassed by jihad.
4. Muruna
Muruna is perhaps the biggest deception practiced by Muslims, as it allows them to be “flexible” regarding the commands of their faith in order to properly blend in with the society around them. Muruna permits Muslims to shave their beards, wear Western clothing, listen to Western music, and even drink alcohol.
All of these deceptions go against specific commandments, as well as the overarching commandment against lying itself, that are found in the Koran. But they are allowed so long as their use contributes to a greater goal or serves a greater commandment within the Koran, like spreading Islam among the infidels.
Americans who hold in high regard the founding principles and ideals of our country need to learn these terms, and watch for their practice in the world around them. The very future of our nation could be at stake if the lies and deception practiced by radical Muslims are allowed to continue and take further hold.
Very poor judgement on Obama and Kerry side, sad thing is the American people, black, white, brown, and other will have to pay for this “poor judgement.”
I see a good use for our drones over Iran…. Take this sicko out!!!!!
Obama is a traitor to the American people he new the Irans wouldn’t stop. So he gave them Billions to continue killing our people. Arrest Obama for treason. He is one of them
We must stand firm
Hope this isn’t so, if so God help USA.
We have secret weapons also – but you may have to wait 7 months to see them, but you WILL see them.
Obummer makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot compared to him …
Don’t because you might get more nukes than you want delivered by cruise missiles