In spite of the much-vaunted deal with Iran, the theocratic Muslim nation continues to double down on it’s inflammatory rhetoric and actions against the United States.
State-controlled media reported that a high-ranking Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps official issued a truly disturbing warning to the US: if American warships were to even come near the Middle Eastern nation, then Iranian forces would “drown” them, describing their presence as an “absolute evil.”
The official, one Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, went on to claim that America would be ill-advised to draw other nations into the affairs of the region, as it has attempted to do in it’s fight with ISIS and other terrorists. He added that US officials are clueless as to the true capabilities of Iran’s navy, an ominous statement that should make anyone doubt the country’s commitment to peace.
In the wake of Obama advisor Ben Rhodes admitting he misled the media over the nuclear deal, however, is it really surprising that they aren’t interested in harmony?
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OBAMA will let them know when American vessels are in the region.
All I know is Congress better step in and do something these countries think we’re a bunch of pussies
nuke the bastards
These animals need to go extinct they are worthless n cause nothing but pain Muslims should be wiped off the earth they are pure evil nothing els
F**k that$#%&!@*he tries it and we will nuke them til they glow!!!
just bomb these criminals they intend killing everyone they can. Do not mistake their intentions.
Bring it on$#%&!@*we’ll be waiting for you amen and we have a suprise for you amen
These assholes talk like Obama is going to be there for another 20 years………25 wks total…… then Trump will set it all straight……… on the road be great agin…… our US military is in such bad shape, BECAUSE OBAMA SENT 150 BILLION DOLLARS TO IRAN AND EVEN MORE TO OTHERS HE HAS DISTROYED OUR MILITARTY’S WILL…….THAT WILL SOON CHANGE……SO MANY OF OUR MIL. LEADERS WANT TO LEAVE IF OBAMA IS HEAR ANYLONGER WORST COMMANDER AND CHEIF IN HISTORY
We should of leveled that place back in 1980 when I was over there.
go for it MF’er. from shining sea to shining sea of glass