“Our policy toward the arrogant U.S. government won’t change at all,” stated Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday in his first public speech since the Islamic Republic’s historic agreement with world powers.
And we all know what that policy is….Ali Khamenei called for “Death to America” during those very negotiations.
Oh, it gets better…not only will Americans be banned from inspecting Iran’s nuclear facilities, Obama’s own administration admits that they are handing Iran a bundle of cash that can be used to fund terrorism.
See Page 2 For Full Story:
HAHAHAHAHA, i love it
oh i don’t doubt that.. hope there are enough bunkers to save the politicians of the world and there families b cus obviously they are the only lives that really matter apparently
No deal
Hell we were sold out its bs
I don’t expect a 2016 election to happen unless drastic measures are taken to stop Obama. Another year and his PLAN should be completed.
Remember when Jimmy Carter helped overthrow the Shaw of Iran… and put the BS religious piece of c**p in power…
yes then we will be a muslim country yet we have no one in the WH to help
Hopefully the republicans (conservatives) won’t turn the country into muslem country
Thank Obama