What Obama and those close aides that advise him on all things Iran have failed to understand the last six and a half years, is a Country called “the Islamic Republic of Iran”. This is a theocratic state. They firmly believe they have a unique mission from Allah, to save us all–from our infidel ways. And they are are very sophisticated in looking into our ways, our motives, and how we use negotiations, make no mistake. So, is Iran sincere in its “nuclear deal”—or are there signs they have no intention of keeping to it?
Kerry’s brother !!
Iran =enemy..
Obama set out even before he was elected to give Iran nuclear capacity…remember when he said “Of course, I’ll sit down and talk with Iran with no prior conditions .” He fully intended to help Iran gain world power EVEN BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED. The American people did not know of his Muslim indoctrination during his formative years in Islamic religious schools so they could not see what he was doing. Now he is using American resources to create the Islamic Caliphate and no one even cares!!
rep will fight back so have fun why you can …..
Time will come when there either on our shores wanting us dead or we get a true leader and do the right thing and that’s simply destroy our enimies once n for all.
Don’t think it will be easy if at all this is America remember the Alimo
Obama told The Atlantic magazine last month that Iran supports terrorism despite the current sanctions, ,,So should we release more money to them for terror activities …?
More broadly, the report found that global terror attacks surged 35% between 2013 and 2014 and the violence caused deaths to jump more than 80%. That came on top of a 43% increase between 2012 and 2013.
More of the poison fruit of Obama s catastrophic treachery. Iran Threatened ‘Harm’ to Top Nuke Inspector to Prevent Disclosure of Secret Deal, Free Beacon, August 17, 2015 Iran: ‘He himself would have been harmed’ Iranian leaders prevented a top International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) official from disclosing to U.S. officials the nature of secret side deals with the Islamic Republic by threatening harm to him, according to regional reports. Yukiya Amano, IAEA director
We can think Obummer for this
bomb iran to hell.