What Obama and those close aides that advise him on all things Iran have failed to understand the last six and a half years, is a Country called “the Islamic Republic of Iran”. This is a theocratic state. They firmly believe they have a unique mission from Allah, to save us all–from our infidel ways. And they are are very sophisticated in looking into our ways, our motives, and how we use negotiations, make no mistake. So, is Iran sincere in its “nuclear deal”—or are there signs they have no intention of keeping to it?
If we decide to give you our full attention it will be a slaughter
ever see a glow in the dark Iranian. you may get the chance.
No they haven’t. They run their mouths to scare. They violent terrible children an need to be dealt with
Special delivery nukes are all that will end the problem.
Big trouble with these people and Obummer!
They learned how WEAK this Administration is. Obama has given them a serious advantage against American. This should have never happened. Our next President will have to do things we would not have had to if not for Obama and the weak administration and our Liberals who see things in a warped frame of mind. They and the rest of us will pay for the Liberals and the Obama administration weaknesses and they are many should have been let get this far
NO! to the so called deal, which is just a give away!
Now we can see if your all and mighty Trump can deal with Iran without using his phrase “your fired”.
this pig humper would look good with a bullet soaked in pigs blood would look good between his eyes
Understand ENGLISH oblama, congress, senate, and the rest of you ignorant do nothing, lying traitors, Give them the money and bombs to kill us. Clean house in the next election and let’s start over. Trump makes more and more sense!!!!!!!