What Obama and those close aides that advise him on all things Iran have failed to understand the last six and a half years, is a Country called “the Islamic Republic of Iran”. This is a theocratic state. They firmly believe they have a unique mission from Allah, to save us all–from our infidel ways. And they are are very sophisticated in looking into our ways, our motives, and how we use negotiations, make no mistake. So, is Iran sincere in its “nuclear deal”—or are there signs they have no intention of keeping to it?
Peace of C**p!!
Elect ME Pres and this schmuck and the 8 largest cities and military bases would go up in mushroom clouds.
Obama’s goal, let Iran destroy America , Let them do his dirty work
And O$#%&!@*wipe is right there to help them in any way he can. Arrest him for acts of treason.