Nobody takes President Obama’s Iran deal seriously, least of all the Iranians.
Earlier this week, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps threatened war against the US. A major departure from the pretense of amity it affected during negotiations over it’s nuclear deal, this provocation shows that Iran remains as hostile to America as it ever was.
Not content to just rattle sabers, the Iranians openly boasted that their forces had locked their missiles onto the USS Truman. They claimed that the aircraft carrier, like the 10 American sailors it held hostage until Wednesday, was violating their territorial waters, though they offered no evidence of them doing so.
The fact that the Iranians felt angered enough by the presence of US forces to aim their missiles at them and state their willingness to fire them if necessary demonstrates the utter madness of engaging in any kind of reasoned discussion with them.
They hate us in the most blatant, unambiguous way, so why should attempt to placate them?
Read more on the next page:
Commence Firing HS Truman; Nuke Out Of existence Iran And Her Forever Clerics; They Are Dinosaurs Of Faith And Progression.
In case u haven’t heard, ur president did indeed take care of the situation without any getting killed! That is an awesome accomplishment and if any of u haters and bathers against ur president give a damn about ur country, all of u should have the decency to thank him. I have no doubt that all of the soldiers he save and their families r certainly thanking president Obama.
Wayne, u were dead wrong! R u mature enough to step up and admit it?
When you distract or degrade the USA in any way, you are upholding Obama’s agenda to divide the US for the Muslims. The CRUSADES were brutal because they had to deal with the same BARBARIAN LOW LIVES! Do not under estimate these dangerous times. We have a TRAITOR intent on destroying or converting USA to Muslim, and becoming the world dominating power! Obama’s REMOVAL should be every Americans immediate MAIN OBJECTIVE!
expect something to happen around election time. They are testing us for weakness.
They know Obama won’t do anything
I am not wrong , and 73% of Americans believe as I do , that is an majority my friend, but the liberal party always no matter what we the people want think they are right and everyone else is wrong, are you mature enough to take a truthful look at what’s been happening to our Nation under Obama’s dictatorship and that’s exactly what it is , when everything he does not just a couple everything he bypass’s congress and the Senate and does what he wants that’s not how it works, but as he says I have my phone and my pen , and he even balks at his own national security agents his Generals and Commanders. Why because in his mind he is smarter and better than anyone , his record which is reprehensible speaks for itself 93 million more people out of work meaning good jobs not flipping burgers, more people than anytime in our history on food stamps , middle class incomes at minus $3,500 less per year since 2009 healthcare in shambles he is the reason we now have Isis no Nations respect America anymore he has turned his back on our allies and kiss’s the$#%&!@*of our enemies the Iran deal are you kidding me North Korea testing Nukes along with Iran firing missiles just short of our ships the taking of 10 sailors putting them on their knees with guns at their heads and Obama does nothing let alone Russia invading a Sovereign Nation, Good Lord wake up already, you say I should admit I’m wrong, Larry you need to step up and admit that you are so wrong and off base that you must be living in Barack Obamas book of fairytales , you believe as you wish , I know I’m right and so does the biggest part of America in ending,
God Bless America
The world knows Obama is a wimp and hates American Military
and we certainly don’t take these freak evangelist windbags serious.
Jeff Costlow are you an American?