Iran has always been a serpent lying in the grass. While President Obama has no problem crawling into bed with slithering reptiles, the rest of the Western world sees them as the threat they are, and unlike the cowardly ankle biter leading making threats from North Korea, Iran is motivated enough to actually go through with their evil ploys.
This week and Iranian official dared America to try its luck against them, boasting nine million fighters at their disposal and warehouses full of missiles that can hit Tel Aviv’. Poor Israel can’t seem to catch a break. They’re surrounded by enemies on all side (pretty biblical) and the people they once considered to be their allies are now funding their enemies *cough cough* the Obama Administration. But back to Iran. Their leadership is like a group of teenage girls holding grudges against anybody who disagrees with them.
In a speech made this past September to a Tehran political circle, Mohsen Rafighdoost, a former miniter of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) during the Iran-Iraq war in the ’80s made some pretty frightening revelations.
Find out what he said on the next page.
No Iran pease don’t hurt us! Give Obama a minute to gather up $150,000.00. Obama will hand deliver the money while bowing down before you. Trump on the other hand….
Thank you so much Hillary Clinton and Mr. Obama!!!!!
Hey…! Now…!
Don’t insult the serpents ….!
When Trump is in the house were bringing it to you piece of s**t
These Knuckleheads Won’t be happy until We bomb the Sh#t out of them ! I think the DONALD is gonna go medieval on they’re Asses !
I’m your huckleberry. Ooooh, I’m scared you big POS!
Can’t happen. the 0 signed pacts, agreements, nonproliferation treaties…Why would they threaten US. Oh, because the 0 has no respect anywhere in the world.
Wasn’t this part of Obama and Hillayr’s plan
Come and get some asshold
These idiot s should listen to the old saying that you better watch what you wish for, you just might get it. Also, the crack about their forces are five times better than our Army. What a laugh. They might be able to come up with 9 million troops. Even if they did come up with so many troops, the American Army would only need to bring about three bullets to the fight, because after they fire three round, there would be what is left of the 9 million would drop their weapons and run away. That would give our guys and gals 9 million weapons and the ammo to use. Iran is a p**s ante that needs steped on. Keep it up you bunch or iranian rag head and the world will get to see the biggest ashtrays in the world.