Iran has always been a serpent lying in the grass. While President Obama has no problem crawling into bed with slithering reptiles, the rest of the Western world sees them as the threat they are, and unlike the cowardly ankle biter leading making threats from North Korea, Iran is motivated enough to actually go through with their evil ploys.
This week and Iranian official dared America to try its luck against them, boasting nine million fighters at their disposal and warehouses full of missiles that can hit Tel Aviv’. Poor Israel can’t seem to catch a break. They’re surrounded by enemies on all side (pretty biblical) and the people they once considered to be their allies are now funding their enemies *cough cough* the Obama Administration. But back to Iran. Their leadership is like a group of teenage girls holding grudges against anybody who disagrees with them.
In a speech made this past September to a Tehran political circle, Mohsen Rafighdoost, a former miniter of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) during the Iran-Iraq war in the ’80s made some pretty frightening revelations.
Find out what he said on the next page.
They always will be a snake! Just like all the stories about rescuing a snake only to get bit and die!
Bring it on.
Bring it on
These slimy bastards could be turned into dust in a very short time. Push the button and in about 30 minutes or less no more Iran.
Do it you chickenshit goat f***kr’s
Who’s going to support them now?
They must have been crossing their fingers behind their backs and snickering when they made the deal with Kerry and Obama.
They would fire one balistic missle and the USA would make their entire country glow in the dark.
Level that$#%&!@*country!
evil on earth