It took long enough, but the Iranians are finally releasing some of the innumerable hostages they have been holding for years.
After the Islamic Republic begrudgingly released 10 American sailors it took prison earlier this week, the country has also announced it was letting four US citizens in it’s custody go. All of the hostages involved had family ties to Iran and were kidnapped while visiting the country.
Among the four hostages released by the Iranians are Washington Post columnist Jason Rezaian, who was captured and imprisoned for 18 months before his release this Saturday. Fellow hostage Saeed Abedini is a pastor and was arrested by the Iranian government for preaching Christianity in the Muslim nation.
An additional, fifth prisoner was set free, albeit separately from the other four. The hostage, identified only as Trevithick, was imprisoned while studying in the country for several months. Upon his release, he was allowed to leave immediately for the US.
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Odummer is the biggest traitor – terrorist the American people have EVER had against them
Obama you are a fuckin dumb$#%&!@*, get the$#%&!@*out, the white house stand for Christian faith , not Muslim , get out and take your fuckin cronies with you
With in one Year Iran will Attempt to Nuke Israel! They will be a Dust Bowl!
United States of America does not negotiate with terrorists.
Obama is a loser.
What do you expect? The man has holes in his pockets.
O will do anything for a cover up and already expect our future to be drastically changed by his lunatic fringe.
I thought the American stance on terrorism and kidnapping of Americans was to not negotiate and pay ransoms but to kick their$#%&!@*
And the sailors stranded in the boat was a ploy for distraction and justification.
Well what do you know, caving in again.