Apparently, the only people who don’t know the United States and Iran entered a deal this summer are the Iranians.
Continuing the mullahs’ longstanding tradition of bashing America to distract from domestic troubles, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei directed a truly incendiary remark at the United States. The remark comes on the heels of the country’s upcoming legislative elections next month.
Warning against American interference, Khamenei said that his nation would deliver a swift “punch in the mouth” to the US if it tried to influence the results of the coming elections. The Iranian tyrant added that “moderate” candidates are not to be trusted and working in tandem with America to subvert the Islamic Republic.
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Ok……im scared. Someone wake me up or get me a sandwich when its over ok?
Try laying off the crack pipe there stupid.
Go ahead but make sure Obama takes the first punch, then you can punch us if you dare, be aware we have a devestating counterpunch. You won’t like it.
I’ve talked to a few Iranians, who think they’d stand a chance.
They’re a confused people because they think that the Obama presidency signifies the true face of America. It doesn’t. The Obama presidency is symbolic of the garbage that resides within our nation. This garbage will be removed soon enough.
They also think that they’re a forced to be reckoned with because they’ve got big brother Putin backing them.
Little dog barks loud while sitting next to big dog.
These goatfuckers are gonna get a rude awakening when Trump takes over the presidency.
That is RIGHT tell that to this administration.
Bring it$#%&!@*wipe
Well go for your throught
A flimsy threat from a goat humping rag head!
Once obozo is gone..Iran will be nothing but a crater
LOL! puny nothing.. He didn’t learn from Operation Praying Mantis I see…