Apparently, the only people who don’t know the United States and Iran entered a deal this summer are the Iranians.
Continuing the mullahs’ longstanding tradition of bashing America to distract from domestic troubles, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei directed a truly incendiary remark at the United States. The remark comes on the heels of the country’s upcoming legislative elections next month.
Warning against American interference, Khamenei said that his nation would deliver a swift “punch in the mouth” to the US if it tried to influence the results of the coming elections. The Iranian tyrant added that “moderate” candidates are not to be trusted and working in tandem with America to subvert the Islamic Republic.
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We will crush you!!!!!!!!!!
Get to swinging..
Kinda hard to swing a punch at someone else’s mouth when your head is up your own$#%&!@*
Remember when Saddam Hussein bragged that American soldiers would swim home in rivers of American blood. How did that one work out for you Satan Worshipers?
Just Punch Obama , Kerry or Hillary ! One or all Three !
Thats an insult to Obama!
f**k you moron!
They are struggling to hold onto power and threaten us…they must sit around and laugh at the$#%&!@*they say. Time to take Iran out.
Bomb this rag head$#%&!@*!