Apparently, the only people who don’t know the United States and Iran entered a deal this summer are the Iranians.
Continuing the mullahs’ longstanding tradition of bashing America to distract from domestic troubles, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei directed a truly incendiary remark at the United States. The remark comes on the heels of the country’s upcoming legislative elections next month.
Warning against American interference, Khamenei said that his nation would deliver a swift “punch in the mouth” to the US if it tried to influence the results of the coming elections. The Iranian tyrant added that “moderate” candidates are not to be trusted and working in tandem with America to subvert the Islamic Republic.
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they have one be side hillery and one be side obama they no it all,win you wake up it will be to late trump 2016
And we’ll kick you in the nuts haha
Louie Milano here ya go
Come get some punk
Bend over in your normal posture so we can kick you in you butt. You are all phonies ,murderers, child molesters and child rapists of boys and girls. No real woman would ever want your ugly mug. They are forced to lay down but your not even good enough for pigs.
Come on towel head
This old fart couldn’t punch a hole in a piece of paper!
Punch Iran in their v****a!
And we want a treaty with these freaking assholes!
Come get Dumbama. He’s responsible for Muslims being here and ruining our country.