Such strong, hostile language from the head of state of Iran should be enough for Obama to realize that they aren’t serious about his deal, but he’s never been one to let facts get in the way of his agenda.
Khamenei’s violent rhetoric is just the latest in a long line of Iranian outrages that single the US out for hatred. Ever since the nation’s bloody revolution in 1979 that brought it’s radical Muslim government to power, Iranian leaders have used America as a punching bag to shore up support for themselves.
“Iran’s Islamic revolution came in 1979, following the overthrow of a secular monarch, which resulted in the implementation of an Islamic theocracy under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Ali Khamenei would later assume the mantle following Khomeini’s death in 1989.
‘Those who have access to information know what traps have been laid or are being laid for the country in order (for them) to infiltrate the nation’s will and decisions,’ Khamenei added. ‘We must be vigilant with regards to infiltration,’ he said, comparing rogue voices to ‘termites who would gnaw and weaken (Iran’s) foundations from within,’ according to AFP.
Khamenei’s bombastic statements follow the White House’s folding on planned sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Last week, the Obama administration announced the United States would shortly be imposing sanctions against Iran after its military fired off ballistic missile tests, in violation of international sanctions. The administration, however, has backed down from implementing any sanctions.”
Source: Breitbart
Iran is full of$#%&!@*ass bitches and they run like dogs even the birds in the sky fly over them laughing at the cowards
Go for it Khamenei!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah under obama,not Trump
Lets just bomb their news towers