If there’s one thing history has taught us about Iran, it’s that as far holding a grudge goes, they can stand with the best of them. What most people know about their hatred of Israel goes back to 1948, when the Palestinian Arab economy collapsed and 250,000 Palestinian Arabs fled the region or were forced out. The result of this conflict was Israel. Since then, those who oppose Israel have been like wolves at their door, wreaking havoc every chance they get.
And according to a Senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Commander, they won’t stop until Israel has been annihilated and are brazenly stating so as Obama hands them a nuke…
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
just what he wanted to do Obama has almost completed his mission all they have to do now is bomb the hell out of America and he will be really happy
I’m sure Rick Perry would solve this problem odumbo had done
Let the Muslims and Jewskill other, ususing thetheir own money and weapons.
Alex M Ugarte as soon as they stop attacking Israel!!
Israel vs Palestine
Tell me something else. Why does Hamas fire rockets into Israel every day? From schoolyards, mosques and heavily populated areas?
congratulations Obama and your Czars!
That doesn’t answer my question
@[1032810881:2048:Helen Dorothy Chapman] would some one please tell us why Hamas does these horrible things then blames Israel for defending thereself!
Palestine is not the one with millions of funding from the US everyday. They are the ones living in what is basically a bignoitdoor prison surrounded by gates without electricity and homes being demolished. Palestine is not the one manipulating your opinion everyday hiding everyday Jews like the ones I posted who are against Israel’s terrorism on Palestine.