Iran Increases Aggression After Nuclear Deal

“We’re still concerned about Iran’s behavior overall. Positive about the nuclear agreement, but concerned … about some of their malign behavior related to other things unrelated to the nuclear issue,” he said.

In September, the 5th Fleet command intercepted a ship believed to be from Iran that was carrying anti-tank missiles and other equipment. This occurred some months after a convoy of Iranian cargo ships was detained carrying combat vehicles and other military equipment to Shiite rebels in Yemen.

“The behavior we’ve seen is about what we’ve come to expect,” he said. “They’ll like to intercept our ships, especially the combatants, as they’re going through the straits or in other places in the Gulf. They like to show that they can shoot weapons when they’re in proximity.”

It is clear that Iran is still intent on expanding it’s regional stature, notwithstanding the agreement signed by the Obama administration over the protestations of the GOP.  It leads one to question whether anything was gained by acquiescing to Tehran or if the administration was once again outmaneuvered, or of the POTUS isn’t actually working in favor of America.









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