With President Obama finally securing enough support from the U.S. Senate to push through his nuclear deal with Iran, he might have finally outdone himself in doing the worst thing an American president could possibly do to get WW3 started.
Republican candidate Chris Christie (R-NJ) recently called him out on it during an interview on Fox News, claiming that whatever bloodshed occurs as a result of this, will be on Obama’s hands.
And he’s right.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
We need our honest political leaders, military leaders and our Christian leaders to help the US citizen stop this president and stop the Clinton’s, Biden and Sanders who are going to continue this unlawful act of not following the law this country was founded on. The only way this will stop is if we all unite and take charge. We have to have some organization to help the m$#%&!@*ive of citizens who are seeing what is going on and pull out these people out of office if they don’t enforce our laws. We need help to get the people together and force our government to lock up these officials who are not obeying our law. It is not enough to wait for the next election. Obama just dropped 40,000 more of our troops, reduced the military pay, is selling our military equipment. He is going to open up our country to thousands more Islamic terrorist. ISIS just posted saying they are sending in terrorist with these migrants. The middle east countries have said it is too risky to let them into their countries! We need help!
Well he has at least one thing rifght.
Do you really think Obama really cares
Bush created Isis. I’ve seen more police killing American citizens than I have Isis beheadings.
Absolutely agree with him on this one
Nothing will happen to Obama and we can only hope the next President will be conservative and reverse this action.
Obama could care lest.
O couldn’t care less. He wants America destroy.
Treaty not negotiated solely by Obama. UK, France, China, Russia, and Germany also involved in negotiation. Independent inspectors. If no treaty, wouldn’t Iran build a bomb?
Treason? Does everyone forget Irangate when, in violation of Congressional order, Reagan, Bush I, and Ollie SOLD weapons to Iran?