With President Obama finally securing enough support from the U.S. Senate to push through his nuclear deal with Iran, he might have finally outdone himself in doing the worst thing an American president could possibly do to get WW3 started.
Republican candidate Chris Christie (R-NJ) recently called him out on it during an interview on Fox News, claiming that whatever bloodshed occurs as a result of this, will be on Obama’s hands.
And he’s right.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Government commits treason 24/7 its nothing new
A?? Hmmmmm ok we know he is dumb. But come on the war was started by President Bush and Cheney yes they all should be held accountable for war crimes including Obama!! But Bush started it!!!
And his sheep
Amen Gov. Christie!
Oh, ouch!, Christie, that really hurts. I’m sure our “Dear Leader” is cringing in a corner somewhere. How about putting your big boy pants on, and calling him out as an illegal president shredding our cons$#%&!@*ution.
Christie is a fat loud mouth fascist piece of garbage. Thinks rights of the individual are not important. These lies to keep the cold war 2 going will be proven wrong, as the rhetoric has already begun to change. The people of Iran do not wish to go backwards, almost over though the government last election. The old guard is worried. Watch as the military elite is running out of enemies. Why they have created most terror groups to begin with. Stop the fear baiting, let reality sink in.
obama does not care how many die… he just counts up his virgin tally
Uuuggghhhh. What ever
More blather from the FAT PIG!
No it’s on our defunct congress