With President Obama finally securing enough support from the U.S. Senate to push through his nuclear deal with Iran, he might have finally outdone himself in doing the worst thing an American president could possibly do to get WW3 started.
Republican candidate Chris Christie (R-NJ) recently called him out on it during an interview on Fox News, claiming that whatever bloodshed occurs as a result of this, will be on Obama’s hands.
And he’s right.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
He’s 100% correct!!!
And the woman who was murdered by ex, against whom she had a restraining order, while she was waiting for a license to buy a gun in New Jersey should be on Christie’s head
Maybe RINO Krispy Kreme can go give Obama another hug?
they will try to kill all of us !!!!!!
Christie finally got something right. Trump 2016!
Yes it is .
Maybe the Gov and the Prez should just hug it out and that’ll make everything right.
You CAN’T lose with Cruz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you think he cares
All the trouble he made throughout the world its all on his head