With President Obama finally securing enough support from the U.S. Senate to push through his nuclear deal with Iran, he might have finally outdone himself in doing the worst thing an American president could possibly do to get WW3 started.
Republican candidate Chris Christie (R-NJ) recently called him out on it during an interview on Fox News, claiming that whatever bloodshed occurs as a result of this, will be on Obama’s hands.
And he’s right.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
This will be the only time I will agree with him
Chris Christie is right on target. But Obama isn’t alone.. I say everyone of those treasonous senators are just as guilty as Obama. They should all be removed from office and charged with treason.
YEAH…remember that next time you HUG ‘him’ …..you sleaze….
I agree, and we have lost a lot of Military because of his do nothing ideals, what a whimp…….May he dreams every night about all the Deaths he has caused………
Hillary “ROTTEN” Clinton has four murdered Americans on HER head!
Obama and every liberal congressman RINOS included!!!
Obama want Christians and Jews dead, his religion says so.
Do you think Obama worries about this while he plays golf?
if left up to obummer America would be dead. this is his agenda.
Go give him a hug and ask him to be forgiven, RINO.