Iran has reportedly purchased 100 aircraft that have the ability to refuel 6-8 warplanes simultaneously.
The purchase of 100 Russian IL78 MKI tanker aircraft that was placed with Moscow last year is in complete defiance of the terms of the nuclear agreement between the six world powers and Iran signed in Vienna earlier this month.
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Zed: Still using Brawndo? Brawndo’s got electrolytes! It’s what plants crave.
wtg Obuma and gang
Obama is totally out of his league. The Russians and Iranians are playing him like a piano and Kerry is so stupid it’s unbelievable .
Oh I’m so suprised.
I guess the UN’s ATT only applies to the United States. 🙁
All of these assclowns need to be stopped, and that includes the UN and their anti-American agendas.
#stoptheun #stoptheirandeal
So they should put obama in jail for treason along with all of congress and the senate. Then pull the money back these traitors gave away. Majority of america sees this why is nothing being done.
Um barry won a nobel peace prize and he will negotiate a good just peace deal
Joshua Faulkner then why is there supreme leader preaching death to America
And you are the stupid one
And this suprised us why! We all knew this was going to happen. Only our politicians seem to think this deal would work.