When the Obama Administration is mercifully over and gone, it will be interesting to see how its various initiatives have worked out. Its signature health care program is in a death spiral, so it’s unlikely to survive in any currently recognizable form. As much of a disaster as that is for Americans, Mr. Obama’s nuclear deal with the Iranians could turn out to be a catastrophe for both the United States and a bunch of other nations.
The negotiations with Iran that led up to the deal have been anything but transparent. Some of that is to be expected as parties to the negotiations release or conceal information in order to bolster their positions. On the other hand, what has been hidden and later revealed has been very disturbing, and casts doubt on at least the competence of the Obama Administration in pursing the agreement if not its integrity.
With Iran conducting war drills and making bellicose statements regarding the US, we’ll pick up this story on page two.
We have the dumbest president to ever hold office and he did for 8 years only to the reflection of the majority of America voting for this coward!
You are messing with wrong one trump will bust your$#%&!@*
The mullahs should be shakin in their sandals. Trump will pork bomb them.
Ha ha ha
the time has come to level this sand pit.
Thanks barry
That’s cute.
Come get some then. That would be your greatest mistake ever. You haven’t seen the full power of our death star yet. Weed hoppering sand goat f,er come get some.
Just wipe them out take all their uranium
They can stick that deal up their lying pediphile asses