Finally. An authority figure with real-life experience has stated that modern Islamic terrorism has changed the landscape, and the public must participate in their own defense. Liberal professors postulate, and Democrat politicians with security details wring their hands and insist that “safe zones” and “gun-free zones” will keep everyone safe from evil guns that apparently fire themselves.
Former Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble, who previously headed up all law enforcement for the U.S. Treasury Department, had a different take on how the public should respond to terrorism. He made his comments after last month’s deadly al-Shabab attack at the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, and suggested that the most logical answer might be the arming of civilians.
That undoubtedly will have liberals crying in frustration because it is the opposite of what they want to hear.
Read Noble’s other comments on page 2:
This is exactly what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they set the Declaration of Independence in order and our Constitution as our guidelines for government. They knew some people would come along to wipe out all our God given rights as well as these fantastic rights written here in these documents that set up the beginning of the birth of the United States of America. We kicked King George out our new country so we earned each and every one of our freedoms so don’t take them so lightly as they cost some of the Founding Fathers everything they owned and some even their lives as well.
Get locked and loaded people. It’s past that time. Prepare to defend yourselves if you haven’t already. My opinion? Who the hell cares what the govt says of who can protect their lives and who can’t and who gets to decide what your life is worth? You have a right to defend yourselves especially when it’s your elected officials that are putting your life in jeopardy.
I have CCW’s in NY PA FL and NV, if attacked in a movie, resurant, or anyplace, my training is to return fire! At 21 ft. I know in 2 seconds I can put 2 rounds center mass,
Do “ gun free zone signs work that fast?