Although Obama hasn’t publicly stated he wants a national gun registry and ultimate confiscation, he doesn’t have to, we’ve all known it’s ‘in the works’ and it has now been confirmed.
An internal DOJ memo has uncovered Obama’s plan to disarm America.
This memo surfaced in February but it’s veracity was in question, until now. NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam has confirmed the memo as legitimate.
The DOJ memo states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation”and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.
You simply can’t control a country without disarming it citizens. And Obama is taking note from Hitler’s playbook:
Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-1944: Secret Conversations – from Part Three: 6 February – 7 September 1942:
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police.”
An internal memo within the Department of Justice (DOJ) has surfaced which confirms that the Obama administration had plans for gun registration and confiscation in the aftermath of the Newtown school shooting.
According to Bob Owens, the NRA obtained the memo in February. But apparently there were questions as to the veracity of the information. Owens says that the existence of the memo, and its outline of a plan for gun registration and confiscation, can now be confirmed.
The document, which can be viewed here, was not released to the public via the news media.
Owens cites an analysis of the memo, including direct quotes from the document, which exposes the Obama administration’s real agenda on guns:
The DOJ memo states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.” Obama has yet to publicly support national registration or firearms confiscation, although the memo reveals his administration is moving in that direction.
Thus, despite the many denials by Obama, by members of his administration, and by Congressional Democrats, once again it has become clear that the administration’s true agenda is very different from that which is presented to the public.
The goal is and always has been gun registration and confiscation.
The Examiner has often reported the Obama agenda on guns, which can be traced all the way back to his years in the Illinois legislature. He was considered among the most aggressive anti-gun advocates in Illinois.
Obama voted to criminalize any homeowner who used an illegal firearm to defend himself and/or his family in the event of a home invasion by dangerous criminals.
The philosophy that underlies such a point of view is clear. To Obama it is more important that a gun be “legal” than for human lives to be saved. This stance portrays a shocking disregard for the sanctity of human life.
Thus, many conservatives warned as far back as 2007 that an Obama candidacy for the presidency would be a very dangerous turn for America. Obama would never tell the public just how radical he is. To do so would end his political career.
This is why Obama denied repeatedly that he had been close friends with murderous homegrown terrorists such as Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn. The couple bombed federal buildings, encouraged teenagers to murder their parents, and were arrested for the murder of a police officer but were released on a technicality.
It turns out that Ayers launched Obama’s political career in his living room — all confirmed as fact. Birds of a feather. And the Obama agenda reflects it.
But like so many other components of the Obama agenda, the public only finds out the real truth once the program is actually implemented. It is only then that it becomes clear that the emperor has no clothes. Only then it is too late.
Fortunately for the populace, enough conservatives, libertarians, and other freedom-loving citizens were on to the Obama gun ban agenda long before it became an issue. Nationally his agenda was thus thwarted. But astute citizens are certain that this is not the end of it.
The forces of tyranny never give up.
lol good luck mr you dont realy have a clue how and who americans realy are, this is the home of the free and the brave and no matter what you do in the end it will still be free.
$#%&!@* this traitor impeach him now.
Do you feel lucky punk!? Well do ya!?..
He needs to go not guns.
Ifeven one person should register their firearm rifle bazooka whatever then its over… .I know will not ever ..not doin it here in ny nor for some moron who thinks they know what’s best for me. Want come get em… ..
Impeachment will not stop this lowlife POS. Execution is the only answer, along with his henchmen. When will you people understand that Obama hates us, especially the people that are the real Patriots. I will defend our rights to the death, whether it is his, theirs or mine. I will not stand down to tyranny.
Guns are how we gather food, starve to death, go to prison, or start a civil war, it isn’t much of a choice is it.
what Prisident Obama?you kiss your won left hand?
f*ck obama we not going to give are gun the day we do is the day are enemy will attack use then we have no way to defind are homes
If I were a Dictator what would I do. I was just thinking about this today and the first thing I would do would try to take God out of the peoples mind and promote a perverted lifestyle by destroying the family values and marriage. Next I would take away all the guns from the citizens, for if they have no guns they could not fight back . Then I would take over the heath care for if the government controls the peoples heath then you could give some of the people care and the ones that are no longer productive then you could deny their treatments. I would encourage women to have abortions especially the poor and undesirable. Then I would control all of the money by getting as many as I could on food assistance and make it hard for the people to survive without depending on the government for everything. Then I would pressure the people till they started to revoke then I would declare Martial Law then I would have total control of all the people and if they got out of line then I would put them into a FEMA camp. Does this seem to be happing here in America or am I just imaging this. To me under Obama and the liberal Democrats this seems to be taking place, what do you think ? If you agree then like and share