Hillary Clinton is a clear example that we are not equal under the law, and that crime does pay sometimes. As the investigation into classified and top secret emails found on her private server crawls to the finish line, and the State Department continues to obstruct discovery, it is evident that the former Secretary of State is as dishonest and corrupt as ever a “public servant” was. Clinton has always been someone of unbridled ambition, and it is clear that neither the law nor a sense of morality has ever been part of her personal ethic.
She has always found a way to redirect attention from her illegal activities, and it appears that may again be the case with the email scandal now in process. In this case, she initially attempted to hide her felonious actions by secreting the server, then claimed that all work emails had been erased, and when the server was recovered and the emails subpoenaed, she was able to enlist the State Department to hold back and delay delivery of the documents. It is truly disappointing and discouraging that the department is so corrupted and dishonest, similar to a South American banana republic.
Emails are more than yoga routines, page 2
She lies, non stop.
By my count,this makes her a blatant liar,is that right?
Lying, murdering traitor…
let’s just focus on the emails Not like she Embezzled $$6 Billion Dollars or anything tangible
We should all changer our last name to Clinton, Then we don’t have to obey the laws either
Don’t worry Hillary the Next Release you will have to worry about is From Prison about 25 Years from Now !!??
A recent poll stated 20% of Democrats will cross party line and vote Republican because they could NOT vote for Hillary!
I don’t!! I want the$#%&!@*locked up, I know what it is like to deal with this type of information, She signed a non discloure agreement, Just like i did. Had i done this i would be making little rocks out big rocks at Leavenworth Penitentiary. She is a scandalous Lying HAG named Clinton, so she gets away with it
more lies,why the delays you had the infor months ago,and how long has this been,ever the other countries knows this e/mail c**p// so you are only fooling bernie//