Hillary Clinton is a clear example that we are not equal under the law, and that crime does pay sometimes. As the investigation into classified and top secret emails found on her private server crawls to the finish line, and the State Department continues to obstruct discovery, it is evident that the former Secretary of State is as dishonest and corrupt as ever a “public servant” was. Clinton has always been someone of unbridled ambition, and it is clear that neither the law nor a sense of morality has ever been part of her personal ethic.
She has always found a way to redirect attention from her illegal activities, and it appears that may again be the case with the email scandal now in process. In this case, she initially attempted to hide her felonious actions by secreting the server, then claimed that all work emails had been erased, and when the server was recovered and the emails subpoenaed, she was able to enlist the State Department to hold back and delay delivery of the documents. It is truly disappointing and discouraging that the department is so corrupted and dishonest, similar to a South American banana republic.
Emails are more than yoga routines, page 2
Damaging to who?
No acountability.
We are indeed at a fundamental crossroads in America, especially as it pertains to the upcoming Presidential election… QUESTION: Will we remain a nation, which is underscored by individualism and personal responsibility or will we “CHANGE” into a nation that is accentuated by unhealthy collectivist beliefs and dangerous liberal ethnocentric ideologies? My fear is that the socialist elite class (both Democrat and the Republican impostors) have entrenched themselves so deeply into the fabric of our political and public information institutions over the last 50 years that it may be too late for America to return to the values of which it was founded… Electing a democrat as president, especially Hillary Clinton – who would consider appointing President Obama to the Supreme Court – would result in fundamentally and permanently “changing” what America is today. Worse, electing self-described socialist Bernie Sanders, who has called for “revolution” in his political stump speeches would no doubt lead to communism in America. In either case, America will not be a better place under a democratic President for this very simple reason: it is impossible to sustain the heavy entitlement system that is associated with socialism without a heavy handed government controlled police state, which is needed to forcibly “redistribute” the wealth & property of its citizens to fill the government coffers needed to fund the social entitlement system – this is obviously a very evil cycle of destruction. Clearly, the Founders did not intend THIS for our great nation…If we elect a democrat as President – socialist politicians hell-bent on power like Clinton and Sanders (or worse in the future) will be free to extort their liberal ethnocentric beliefs and disastrous collectivist ideologies on our nation – unchecked – in the end, this will no doubt cause our cherished government of the people, by the people, for the people to “perish from the Earth” FOREVER… to avoid becoming a “useful idiot” – VOTE WISELY!
So is she. Throw her in prison and never release that traitor. NO MORE DEMOCRATS
Corruption at its finest, there is way to much taxpayer money changing hands, this is why they dont want a person like Trump in the white house
FBI must release it in order to show how corrupt and traitor Hillary Clinton is.
are the too damaging because of classified material on intelligence or communications between Hillary and Obama that could rip things far apart……???? I trust neither of them for the truth…