Hillary Clinton is a clear example that we are not equal under the law, and that crime does pay sometimes. As the investigation into classified and top secret emails found on her private server crawls to the finish line, and the State Department continues to obstruct discovery, it is evident that the former Secretary of State is as dishonest and corrupt as ever a “public servant” was. Clinton has always been someone of unbridled ambition, and it is clear that neither the law nor a sense of morality has ever been part of her personal ethic.
She has always found a way to redirect attention from her illegal activities, and it appears that may again be the case with the email scandal now in process. In this case, she initially attempted to hide her felonious actions by secreting the server, then claimed that all work emails had been erased, and when the server was recovered and the emails subpoenaed, she was able to enlist the State Department to hold back and delay delivery of the documents. It is truly disappointing and discouraging that the department is so corrupted and dishonest, similar to a South American banana republic.
Emails are more than yoga routines, page 2
Scary that she gets away with it
Hillery Clinton being a woman is not reason to vote for her as president . I’m not against a woman as president , just not this woman .
Notice how Hillary states she never sent emails that were marked classified? She is playing the semantics game so she can remain believable. No, they were not marked classified because the banners had been removed. She will claim her staff did it.
“…too damaging (SECRET) to be released” means U.S. citizens are not allowed to know what the Chinese, Russians, North Koreans, Iranians, and ISIS ARE “allowed” to know!!! Think on THAT for a while! And SOME ignoramuses want her to be the most powerful leader in the world???!!!
Personal server…
Regular Emails
Top Secret
Top Top Secret=SAP
TS & SAP always born TS…..
All there now Killary says its Staffs Fault.. Even though she denied they existed..
Damaging to who? Tye enemy read them long ago.
She’s free and cleared
Her way of thinking is too damaging to even be considered for President of the United States.
I continue to say she is TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED & UNFIT to be POTUS!!