Hillary Clinton is a clear example that we are not equal under the law, and that crime does pay sometimes. As the investigation into classified and top secret emails found on her private server crawls to the finish line, and the State Department continues to obstruct discovery, it is evident that the former Secretary of State is as dishonest and corrupt as ever a “public servant” was. Clinton has always been someone of unbridled ambition, and it is clear that neither the law nor a sense of morality has ever been part of her personal ethic.
She has always found a way to redirect attention from her illegal activities, and it appears that may again be the case with the email scandal now in process. In this case, she initially attempted to hide her felonious actions by secreting the server, then claimed that all work emails had been erased, and when the server was recovered and the emails subpoenaed, she was able to enlist the State Department to hold back and delay delivery of the documents. It is truly disappointing and discouraging that the department is so corrupted and dishonest, similar to a South American banana republic.
Emails are more than yoga routines, page 2
Professional liar, and she’s not even good at it!
Let me guess, the ones which cannot be released are those damaging to Clinton….
good question..
Yep too damaging to clinton and obama.
Most of the people that will vote for Hillary are voting for because she is a woman .they no nothing about .this is crazy you don’t vote because there good looking or because there a woman! What a joke
10 QUESTIONS for HILLARY at the CNN Democratic Presidential Debate
(1). “When you left the White House after your husband’s last term as president, why did you steal $200,000.00 worth of furniture, china, and artwork? And why did you tell the public that you ‘returned it’ when you only brought back $27,000 of it?
(2). Mrs. Clinton, when you were Secretary of State, why did you solicit contributions from foreign governments for the Clinton Foundation after you promised President Obama you would not?
(3). Mrs. Clinton, why do you and your husband claim to contribute millions of dollars to charity for a tax write off when it goes directly into your Clinton Foundation which only gives out 10% of the funds to charitable purposes and you pocket the balance to support yourself tax free? What does your daughter Chelsea do there for her 3 million dollar yearly salary?
(4). Mrs. Clinton, why are you unable to account for 6 billion dollars of State department funds that seem to have disappeared while you were Secretary of State?
(5). Mrs. Clinton why did you say you were broke when you left the White House, but purchased a 5 million home, built an addition for the secret service, and charge the tax payers of the United States $15,000.00 a month for their rent, an amount that pays your the entire mortgage?
(6). Mrs. Clinton why did you lie to the American people about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, but managed to tell the truth to your daughter that same night it happened?
(7). Mrs Clinton why did you lose your law license? Why did your husband lose his?
(8). Mrs Clinton, why did you say, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” 56 times while testifying under oath during the Starr investigations.
•(9). Mrs Clinton, what Really happened to Ron Brown when he was about to testify against you and your husband?
(10). Mrs. Clinton what really happened to law partner Vince Foster? No way he committed suicide.
CNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, I know that the answers to any of these questions don’t matter to you, you would support her regardless of whether she was guilty of murder, embezzlement, money laundering, and I could go on and on. The Democrat’s and liberal’s moto is, “DON’T CONFUSE ME WITH THE FACTS – MY MIND IS MADE UP.”
You don’t vote for someone because there a woman or there good looking .you vote for some one because they will help our country !! Go Trump !!
How right you are. We do not have all those millions and the Clinton name. What does that make us????
But don’t worry most want a woman in the white house same as they wanted Obama! !! Js!!